Monday, February 12, 2007

eleanor rigby

What is with everyone that I went to high school with getting married? I mean, honestly. This is one of the reasons I have a love/hate relationship with Myspace.

Lindsey & I were talking about this the other day, saying how we felt like we were behind or something because we weren't married and/or pregnant. I especially feel this way, mainly because of how people look/react when they find out how long Rob & I have been together, and that we're not married, or even engaged. You'd think I just told them that I worship Satan, or eat newborn babies. But seriously? I fluctuate between feeling way too young/not ready for marriage, to wanting to get married with every fiber of my being (Corny, no? Imagine how I feel). But Robbie doesn't seem to be in any rush, and I'm really not either.


1 comment:

Bridgette said...

Hi, I was just browsing through blogs and came across yours. (Hope you don't mind that I read) My name is Bridgette. I'm a little younger, but I do understand what you're going through. I've been dealing with some of the same things so your not alone. My boyfriend and I have been together a while, (Nothing extreemly long) but we seem pressured to rush into things by others. But were not. There's nothing wrong with taking things slow, sometimes it's best. Enjoy freedom while you have it of not having a child. It seems all my high school classmates are already parents. I think you're doing Great!!! :)