Monday, March 19, 2007

maybe i'm amazed

So today was a great day for me as a teacher. In my first period ELD class, my students gave group presentations, and were totally cute & awesome. They started their presentations all professional and, "Good morning class", and just did really fabulous jobs. Then in my second period Intervention class, we looked at a passage from Great Expectations to find character traits of Miss Havisham. I gave them background info on the story and characters, and they were totally into it. I have honestly never seen them more engaged or well-behaved. They wanted to read the book/watch the movie for extra credit, or watch the movie in class as a reward, and one girl (who is honestly my favorite student) goes, "Do you think they have this book in the library? I want to read it now". I wish I could just do stuff like this every day, instead of having to follow such a scripted program.

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