Monday, January 29, 2007

getting better

Today was the first day (of many days) of me taking over my two classes at Hiram Johnson.

And it went surprisingly well.

I mean, there were the usual kinks and problems that come with a new teacher up in front of the class, but I was so happy and impressed with how well my students did, and how willing they were to do what I asked. Aside from a few new students in my 2nd period who didn't know all the rules (such as, don't get out of your seat and show another kid a picture on your cell phone, although you'd think that would be obvious), it was a great first day.

Oh, one thing that wasn't so great: I thought I lost my ring. The beautiful, full-of-sentimental-value ring that Robbie gave me when we'd been dating for about 6 months, which I usually don't even wear to school. I had it on this morning, and then I looked down at my hand second period after a girl asked me if I had a boyfriend, and saw it wasn't there. I mentally freaked out, and asked the students to look on the ground and see if they saw it. They were SO sweet and helpful - saying things like, "Ms. Ingram, if it would've fallen off, we would've heard it", "Did you leave it in your jacket?" and "I really hope you find it!". But then, the more I thought about it, the more I didn't remember wearing it out of my apartment...and I remembered putting lotion on my hands just before I left, which I always take off my ring to do. And sure enough, when I got back to my apartment, it was sitting on my coffee table. I swear, I'm so dumb sometimes.

One other thing before I go eat lunch: I might already have a job for next year. My mom knows/used to work with the Director of Special Education for YCUSD, who is on her way to becoming the Superintendent of Schools, and apparently she's always asking my mom if I'm going to come back to YC next year. She told my mom to have me email her (which I did), and we could set up an appointment (which we did) to just talk about possibly working for YCUSD next year, where I would pretty much have the school of my choice (jr. high or high school), amazing benefits, and a starting salary of around $40,000. Needless to say, I'm sorta excited.

Oh! And one more thing - my mom is now taking classes to get her MA/Admin Credential. I'm so proud of her! It's something she's wanted to do for a long time, but which she had to keep putting off because of taking care of my grandma, bills, etc. But she's finally doing it, and will have it all done in 1 1/2 to 2 years. And she'll be able to work in administration, and get away from all the drama and stress that is part of her current job.

Ok, that's all you'll hear from me for awhile. I really can't believe it's almost February...

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