Saturday, January 13, 2007

get back

So yesterday I get home to find, among about 50 packages from Amazon full of books for my classes this quarter, a big fat envelope from Chelsea, my master teacher at Norwood Junior High. I knew she was sending me signed copies of a letter of recommendation, but she ALSO sent me a stack of hand-made thank-you cards from the kids in my class. It was so sweet, and made me miss them all! Here are a few of my favorites:

Dear Miss Ingram,
You were one of the best teachers I have ever had. I had a wonderful time and I'm sure that everyone did too. You taught us really well, I learned a lot from you. So, did you have a good time with us?
I hope you become a teacher because you are so good at teaching. Those kids would be lucky to have you as a teacher. Well, thank you Miss Ingram for being a wonderful teacher!
Sincerely, Janiz

Dear Miss Ingram,
Thanks 4 all the chances U have given 2 me. It was a blessing having you as our student teacher. I think I had a good score on my final cause of U. U taught everything I needed to know. I am gonna miss U a lot. Have a good time!
Much love, Charles

Thank you Miss Ingram for teaching all of us. I know I am your favorite student. I was going to get you a box of chocolates but I didn't get it in time. So I am writing this letter, you might want to use a magnifying glass [he writes REALLY small]. Thank you for always being here. I wish we could see you again. Well I've got to blast!
See you, John

And then I got a group-signed card from the entire class, with the school slogan, "Life is good at Norwood" changed to "Life was good at Norwood". Yeah, totally cute.

Ok, now I have to go finish getting ready for Nerdfest '07, aka dinner with a bunch of people from Rob's engineering program.

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